Many have dedicated their careers to this place and are a key asset, the main driving force behind the company's success. They have in-depth knowledge of processes and corporate culture. These seasoned professionals not only provide valuable input to projects, but also play an important role in training and mentoring young professionals.

Labor Veterans
For me, it was very important to look at the sphere of construction and implementation from all sides. From the very beginning of practice, the most interesting thing for me was not just to draw concepts, but to bring them to the end and see the result of the laid down decisions and ideas. Thus, having gone through all the stages of design, it was very important for me to study the other side of the implementation of objects - from the developer's side.
Capital Group provided an opportunity to see the process in full - from the purchase of a plot, formation of a budget and design schedules to construction work and implementation. Interesting cases arise on each of the objects involving different spheres, which helps to maximize one's competencies in development. In 4 years of work, there was an opportunity to work with a variety of tasks, as well as to move to a new level in project management.
Working in CG is an opportunity to prove yourself, because not only complexes, but also specialists can be multifunctional. This is an opportunity for career growth for specialists at all levels. It was here, starting at the age of 19 from the position of reception secretary, that I managed to become the head of the corporate finance department: be responsible for interaction with credit institutions, presenting CG projects, confidently protect the interests of the company, organize interaction not just with creditors, but with financial partners, in conditions when the country's top banks want to add our projects to their portfolio.
Working in CG means always being on time despite the density of “crowded” tasks. Interesting, non-trivial tasks that will not leave any specialist indifferent, because “the scale of the projects is impressive” (this characteristic of CG projects is a quote from the successful completion of the probationary period of one of the employees of the department I head).
I joined Capital Group more than 11 years ago as a chief surveyor. Thanks to the support of the Company and participation in the implementation of unique projects, such as: residential complex "Tricolor", residential complex "Mon Cher", residential complex "Zolotoy Ostrov 1", residential complex "Zolotoy Ostrov 2", residential complex "Capital Towers", residential complex "OKO Towers", Residential complex “Sky”, Residential complex “White Khamovniki”, Residential complex “Medny 3.14”, Residential complex “Moscow Towers”, Residential complex “Kutuzovsky 12” Residential complex “Badaevsky” and many others, I developed unique competencies that allowed me to significantly develop my professional skills in conducting construction geodetic control and interacting with city services. This, in turn, allows you to feel confident in the employment market in this segment.
Today I head the geodesy department of the construction control department in the technical customer department, where nine high-level surveyors in the field of construction control work under my leadership. Almost everything that the Company implements in construction is not possible without the participation of our department: geodetic surveys, cadastral works, geotechnical monitoring, work related to the installation of underground communications, as well as control of volume calculations and assessment of the quality of work performed in relation to the project and estimate calculations. For these purposes, the Company provides all necessary modern geodetic equipment and equipment.
Capital Group had a huge impact on my personal and professional development, providing a choice of free advanced training courses both in my specialty and in management. New knowledge allows you to structure your independently acquired experience and learn new tools for effectively managing your team.