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Проекты, которые мы реализуем, раскрывают таланты и компетенции внутри команды, при этом развивается и каждый её участник. В процессе внутреннего взаимодействия и решения общих задач команда достигает поставленных целей, что позволяет компании удерживать лидирующие компетенции и уровень мастерства, который вызывает уважение среди профессионалов рынка недвижимости.


Knowledge is your capital. Capital Group welcomes the desire of employees to develop and improve their skills.

Success in professional activities and teamwork of each Capital Group employee depends on the amount of knowledge and skills they possess.

We welcome the addition to our ranks of specialists whose desire for professional knowledge will contribute to achieving the Company’s ambitious goals.

The readiness and ability of staff to work fruitfully, develop, and learn new things is the key to the long-term success of Capital Group. Therefore, we pay serious attention to improving the professional level of our team. The Company has a training system aimed at developing employees taking into account the increasing requirements of production, labor quality and the introduction of new technologies.

Capital University

A community of students and young professionals created by Capital Group. Young, talented and ambitious professionals who want to be successful. The program allows you to learn from the inside what development is, choose a vector and profile of activity at the training stage, and start a career in a large company.

Cooperation with universities is not only a social responsibility for us, but also a practical platform - a source of personnel replenishment. Development is in demand for managers who have extensive knowledge in three areas simultaneously: the construction process, economics and jurisprudence.

Main goals of the project:

  • Form a personnel reserve for Capital Group
  • Reduce the adaptation time for young specialists to work immediately after graduation
  • Start influencing educational programs in specialized universities and sharing the unique experience of company specialists
  • Support a scientific approach to construction and development

Our partners:

  • Our partners:
  • Our partners:
  • Our partners:
  • Our partners:

Tours of Moscow sites

We always support any activity and regularly hold educational and art events, organize field excursions around the company’s facilities.

Project managers talk in detail about the history of places and construction technologies, the features and nuances of the construction of modern buildings, as well as the preparatory processes for the restoration of cultural heritage sites and design features.

Discovery Cultural Club

The Capital Discovery Club offers a unique opportunity for personal and professional development, supporting the idea of lifelong learning.

At joint club events, we talk about architecture and culture in a broad sense, touch on new technologies and trends, talk about art, new books, design, cinema, popular cultural events, iconic urban development sites in Moscow, Russia and the world.

Discovery служит мостом, соединяющим различные отделы компании, и помогает формировать сильное сообщество и открытую корпоративную культуру.